Kamis, 12 November 2009

Are we nearly there yet?

Remember when you were a child and going on a big journey and would constantly ask your parents, ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ I myself was an expert of this, I think my best one was probably when I was about 6 and we were going to France. We drove down my street, turned the corner and I said ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ Bet my parents LOVED that journey. Children only seem to do this on journeys when they are really, really excited about the destination. I feel like that at the moment I’m really really looking forward to getting to my next destination.

Yes the inevitable has happened. I’ve managed to hold it off for almost three months but the time has come... I MISS ENGLAND. I am so ready to come home now. It’s not like anything bad has happened here, I’ve just been here too long now and I’m starting to miss things a lot more than before.

I miss:
• Being able to get a taxi home at 3am alone without fearing for my life.
• Being understood by everyone.
• Being able to go to my friends’ houses anytime I wanted.
• Being able to invite people to my house without having to ask first.
• Being able to actually find what I want in shops.
• My phone contract. I HATE having to be on pay as you go here.
• Being able to watch TV without having to use my brain.
• Being able to make friends easily.
• Aldi
• Birmingham places: Subway City, Nightingales and Pizza Planet (!), Selly Oak!
• Huddersfield places: The Parish, Coffee Ev, Camel, Matt’s shop
• B1

Obviously the last point is the hardest right now. The other day I was so fed up and I just needed my mum and dad so much. I rung mum and cried at her for like an hour which I HATE doing because I don’t want her to worry. (So mother if you’re reading this DON’T WORRY – I’m fine!)
And I miss my friends so much. Of course I have friends here (who happen to be lovely and amazing) but I’m missing all those in the UK so so so much. Facebook chat is doing some overtime right now but it always crashes or people go offline or won’t send my messages properly. And it’s not real life. I want to hear people laugh when we’re having a funny conversation, writing ‘lol’ just isn’t the same!

I keep thinking about everything I’ve got to look forward to at home. I knew this would probably happen after the Beyonce concert! I was looking forward to that so much that I didn’t ever think about missing home… now everything exciting I had planned in Moscow has happened so the next exciting thing is coming home!!

I hope this post hasn’t sounded like one massive moan. That’s not what I wanted! I just want to be completely honest about my experiences and right now I’ve hit ‘missing home’ point.

The countdown has begun… 1 month 11 days. Just in time for Santa.

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